Sunday, February 9, 2020

Choosing the Best Timber Entrance Doors for a Stylish Home

Making a grand entrance is one of the most satisfying things you can do when you arrive at any event. Why shouldn’t you have that feeling every time you come home? With timber entrance doors, you’ll be the life of the party whether you’re coming home from work or gym, or anything in between. Improve your façade with the most stylish doors on the market, and walking through your doors will become the best part of your day.

1. Custom made – With such a wide range of materials, styles, designs and finishes on the market, why should you settle for something that somebody else already has. If you want to ensure that your door is completely one-of-a-kind, then choosing a custom builder is the ideal choice – that way it will meet your needs perfectly. With timber doors, you can have them painted to your exact specifications, or even stain them to enhance the natural beauty of the timber that you’ve picked yourself. If you’re choosing between pre-made options, you’re often forced to compromise.

2. Period Recreations – If your home is in a period style, you might be struggling to find a ready-made piece that matches perfectly. With custom timber entrance doors, you’re able to ensure accurate recreations, with anything from art deco to French provincial, federation to Victorian. Your home will be perfectly styled, with maximum curve appeal as a result.

3. Many Styles–Just because your home isn’t heritage, doesn’t mean it hasn’t got its own distinct style.Choose a timber door with ornate panelling to complement a country style cottage or vertical panelling for a Japanese garden effect. Horizontal timber panels are ideal for a contemporary look, especially when painted black or in a matte black metal frame. If you paint your entrance white, it will automatically look great with a Hamptons style home. Think of what you want your ‘curve character’ to be, and there’s sure to be a style to match.

4. Go Bold – If you want to make a statement with your timber entrance doors, then you’ve got lots of options. While a single hinged door is the practical choice for most homes, if you’ve got the space then a double door can look spectacular. This will give a real feeling of opulence and luxury. If you don’t have the room, consider a larger than normal front door – either in height or width. Don’t underestimate the power of a good knocker either. You can use this to inject a bit of your personality into your façade. A statement knocker in the middle of your front door will look amazing, whether you choose a gargoyle head or a honey bee.

5. Security and Style – don’t think that going stylish means you’re giving up your security. It definitely doesn’t work that way. In fact, with solid timber doors, your giving your home a very sturdy layer of protection that glass simply doesn’t offer. The thicker the timber, the more your would-be intruders will have to break through in order to get into your home. It’s also far more insulating, which means you won’t have to fork out extra for your energy bills.

Remember, it all comes down to first impressions. You want your timber entrance door to make a statement and be the best in your neighbourhood. Decide on what you want your ‘curb character’ to be, and you’ll be able to find a design that suits that style perfectly.

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